Planet Enhancement NFTs

A quick reference of all the NFTs you can use to enhance your planets, and their effects.

Planet Max Pools

The max pools for mineable Kyanite on each planet has now been increased. You can see the new caps below.

Planet Max Pool
grassland Grassland 100,000
desert Desert 110,000
swamp Swamp 121,000
ocean Ocean 133,000
paradise Paradise 146,000
glacier Glacier 161,000
magma Magma 177,000
metallic Metallic 194,000
gas Gas 214,000
crystal Crystal 235,000

Planet Enhancing NFTs

Below is a reference table showing all of the NFTs you can use to enhance a planet and what the effects are.

Name Version Template ID Schema Rarity Increase Type Increase Auto Return
First NFT Promo Airdrop 281162 promo - Percent +100 % Yes
Flight Control Chair 315362 component Common Amount +500 No
Flight Control Chair 315377 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Flight Control Chair 315380 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Flight Control Chair 315381 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Flight Control Chair 315382 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Flight Control Chair 315715 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Cooling System 315717 component Common Amount +500 No
Cooling System 315719 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Cooling System 315721 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Cooling System 315722 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Cooling System 315726 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Cooling System 315727 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
High-Power Thruster 315728 component Common Amount +500 No
High-Power Thruster 315729 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
High-Power Thruster 315736 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
High-Power Thruster 315738 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
High-Power Thruster 315739 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
High-Power Thruster 315752 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Secondary Thrusters 315753 component Common Amount +500 No
Secondary Thrusters 315756 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Secondary Thrusters 315757 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Secondary Thrusters 315758 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Secondary Thrusters 315759 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Secondary Thrusters 315760 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Holo-Computer 315771 component Common Amount +500 No
Holo-Computer 315772 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Holo-Computer 315775 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Holo-Computer 315776 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Holo-Computer 315777 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Holo-Computer 315781 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
AI System 315783 component Common Amount +500 No
AI System 315784 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
AI System 315789 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
AI System 315791 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
AI System 315795 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
AI System 315796 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Life Support 315800 component Common Amount +500 No
Life Support 315801 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Life Support 315803 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Life Support 315804 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Life Support 315805 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Shield System 315828 component Common Amount +500 No
Shield System 315830 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Shield System 315831 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Shield System 315832 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Shield System 315835 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Shield System 315836 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Kyanite Storage 315837 component Common Amount +500 No
Kyanite Storage 315838 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Kyanite Storage 315839 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Kyanite Storage 315841 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Kyanite Storage 315842 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Kyanite Storage 315844 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Kyanite Extractor 315847 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Kyanite Extractor 315848 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Kyanite Extractor 315849 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Kyanite Extractor 315850 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Kyanite Extractor 315851 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Engine 315853 component Common Amount +500 No
315854 - Amount +500 No
Engine 315855 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Engine 315857 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Engine 315858 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Engine 315859 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
315860 - Percent +100 % Yes
Engine 315861 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Phase 1: Emergence Sticker 315883 sticker Common Amount +500 No
Phase 1: Emergence Sticker 315888 sticker Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Phase 1: Emergence Sticker 315891 sticker Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Pluto Alliance | BLACK HOLE NFT Whitelist Airdrop PA 359945 promo - Amount +1000 No
Flight Control Chair PA 362842 component Common Amount +500 No
Flight Control Chair PA 362843 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Flight Control Chair PA 362844 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Flight Control Chair PA 362845 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Flight Control Chair PA 362846 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Flight Control Chair PA 362847 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Cooling System PA 362848 component Common Amount +500 No
Cooling System PA 362849 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Cooling System PA 362850 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Cooling System PA 362851 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Cooling System PA 362852 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Cooling System PA 362853 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
High-Power Thruster PA 362854 component Common Amount +500 No
High-Power Thruster PA 362855 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
High-Power Thruster PA 362856 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
High-Power Thruster PA 362857 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
High-Power Thruster PA 362858 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
High-Power Thruster PA 362859 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Secondary Thrusters PA 362860 component Common Amount +500 No
Secondary Thrusters PA 362861 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Secondary Thrusters PA 362862 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Secondary Thrusters PA 362863 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Secondary Thrusters PA 362864 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Secondary Thrusters PA 362865 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Holo-Computer PA 362866 component Common Amount +500 No
Holo-Computer PA 362867 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Holo-Computer PA 362868 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Holo-Computer PA 362869 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Holo-Computer PA 362870 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Holo-Computer PA 362871 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
AI System PA 362872 component Common Amount +500 No
AI System PA 362873 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
AI System PA 362874 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
AI System PA 362875 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
AI System PA 362876 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
AI System PA 362877 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Life Support PA 362878 component Common Amount +500 No
Life Support PA 362879 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Life Support PA 362880 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Life Support PA 362881 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Life Support PA 362882 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Life Support PA 362883 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Shield System PA 362884 component Common Amount +500 No
Shield System PA 362885 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Shield System PA 362886 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Shield System PA 362887 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Shield System PA 362888 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Shield System PA 362889 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Kyanite Storage PA 362890 component Common Amount +500 No
Kyanite Storage PA 362891 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Kyanite Storage PA 362892 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Kyanite Storage PA 362893 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Kyanite Storage PA 362894 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Kyanite Storage PA 362895 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Kyanite Extractor PA 362896 component Common Amount +500 No
Kyanite Extractor PA 362897 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Kyanite Extractor PA 362898 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Kyanite Extractor PA 362899 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Kyanite Extractor PA 362900 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Kyanite Extractor PA 362901 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Engine PA 362902 component Common Amount +500 No
Engine PA 362903 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Engine PA 362904 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Engine PA 362906 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
BLACK HOLE # 1 Sticker PA 362913 sticker Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
BLACK HOLE # 2 Sticker PA 362915 sticker Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
BLACK HOLE # 3 Sticker PA 362916 sticker Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
BLACK HOLE # 4 Sticker PA 362917 sticker Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
BLACK HOLE KING Sticker PA 362919 sticker Epic Percent +100 % Yes
Pluto Alliance | BLACK HOLE NFT Whitelist Airdrop PA 363931 promo - Amount +1000 No
Phase 2: Unity Sticker 435197 sticker Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Phase 2: Unity Sticker 435198 sticker Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Phase 2: Unity Sticker 435199 sticker Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Kyanite Resonator 536286 component Common Amount +500 No
Kyanite Resonator 536287 component Uncommon Amount +1000 No
Kyanite Resonator 536288 component Rare Percent +0.80 % Yes
Kyanite Resonator 536289 component Epic Percent +4 % Yes
Kyanite Resonator 536290 component Legendary Percent +20 % Yes
Kyanite Resonator 536291 component Mythic Percent +100 % Yes
Kyanite Crystal 536803 crafting - Amount +100 No
Box of Crystals 641634 packs - Amount +2750 No

About the Planet Enhancement tool

The Planet Enhancements is a simple reference table of all the Starship NFTs that can now be used to enhance the max pool or mining capacity of your planets.

There are 2 tables to use, the first one illustrates the new max pool size a planet type can be upgraded to, while the second larger table, lists every NFT that can be used to enhance a planet and what the enhancement would be.

Enhancements can either increase your pool size by a fixed amount, or by a percentage of the potential maxiumum size from the first table.

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What is Starship NFT Game?

Starship NFT Game is a play-to-earn NFT game running on the popular Wax blockchain. The game provides players a number of Starships (or varying rarities and stat levels depending on their Starship token holdings) which they must use to navigate the galaxy to mine a rare resource called Kyanite from 10 different types of planets. Planets can be bought and owned as NFT's, entitling the owner to earn commission every time that planet is mined.

Players can upgrade their ships various stats with different component NFTs, and can buy, sell, trade and blend these NFTs on AtomicHub and NeftyBlocks to max out their stats and earn more Kyanite more efficiently.

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Starship Tools is NOT an official product of Starship, or Starship NFT Game. Starship Tools was created for personal use by Primate Pirate and shared with the community, to give everybody the same advantages in playing the Starship NFT Game, and making game data more easily accessible.

If you experience any issues, please find me in the official Starship Discord community.